Gigaclear broadband deals

Use our comparison to compare Gigaclear broadband prices and speeds.

4 deals available at
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We found 4 deals for
1 Superfast 200 Gigaclear
£17.00 per month
Smart WiFi. Reliable connection with a seamless online experience. 200Mb upload speed.
  • 200Mb Average Speed
  • Unlimited Monthly downloads
  • Zero One-off Cost
  • 18 Month Contract
  • No phone line
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£17.00 per month
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2 Hyperfast 900 Gigaclear
£49.00 per month
Smart WiFi. Fixed priced contract. Reliable connection with 900Mb upload speed.
  • 900Mb Average Speed
  • Unlimited Monthly downloads
  • Zero One-off Cost
  • 18 Month Contract
  • No phone line
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£49.00 per month
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3 Ultrafast 400 Gigaclear
£20.00 per month
Smart WiFi. Fixed priced contract. Reliable connection with a seamless online experience. 300Mb upload speed.
  • 400Mb Average Speed
  • Unlimited Monthly downloads
  • Zero One-off Cost
  • 18 Month Contract
  • No phone line
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£20.00 per month
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4 Ultrafast 600 Gigaclear
£26.00 per month
Smart WiFi. Fixed priced contract. Reliable connection with a seamless online experience. 600Mb upload speed.
  • 600Mb Average Speed
  • Unlimited Monthly downloads
  • Zero One-off Cost
  • 18 Month Contract
  • No phone line
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£26.00 per month
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Average monthly cost
We take the total cost of the contract including all fees and divide it by the contract length giving you an average cost for comparison.
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Call us free to check availability on 0800 840 5395 may earn a commission when you purchase via links on our site. This does not increase the price you pay but helps us keep the site free. Broadband speeds are dependent on where you live and you may receive slower speeds than listed. Broadband is subject to availability – check with the provider. All our monthly costs are inclusive of line rental. Prices may change during this period unless otherwise stated. You should have the right to cancel without penalty if your provider increases charges during the minimum term of your contract. All prices are inclusive of VAT except business prices. Contract lengths may vary.