Cookies policy

Like many websites uses cookies to improve your experience whilst using our site, and to help us to constantly improve our features and tools.

By continuing to use you are agreeing to the use of our cookies. If you don’t want to receive cookies from you should stop using our site right away.

What are cookies?

When you visit a site like small text files called cookies are created, downloaded by your browser and stored on your computer, tablet or mobile phone. They’re used to remember how you interacted with the site and to improve your experience as you move between the different pages. Our cookies don’t record any personal information and they don’t represent any threat to your computer whatsoever.

Why does use cookies? uses cookies primarily to make our website easier to use. For example, one of our cookies is used to remember your postcode to save you having to re-enter it on each subsequent page you visit.

There are a few different types of cookies. Some only last as long as you spend on a site in a single visit while others remain on your hard drive for a little longer.

Which cookies does use? uses the following cookies.

First party cookies

These are cookies that are place directly from

Name Typical content Intrusiveness level Expires
PHPSESSID Randomly generated number Minimally intrusive Session
tid Randomly generated number + info on how the site was reached (e.g. directly or via a link, organic search or paid search) Minimally intrusive 30 days
filter 1 Minimally intrusive When user exits browser
cookies 1 Minimally intrusive 180 days

Third party cookies

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a simple, easy-to-use tool that helps website owners measure how users interact with website content.

Name Typical content Intrusiveness level Expires
_utma - Randomly generated number Minimally intrusive 2 years
_utmb - Randomly generated number Minimally intrusive 30 minutes
_utmc - Randomly generated number Minimally intrusive When user exits browser
_utmz - Randomly generated number + info on how the site was reached (e.g. directly or via a link, organic search or paid search) Minimally intrusive 6 months

Can I delete’s cookies?

Yes, you’re free to delete our cookies whenever you like, but doing so may affect your experience of using

The correct method for deleting cookies varies depending upon what type of device you're using, the operating system and your chosen web browser. You can find detailed instructions for managing and deleting cookies on the All About Cookies website.

Can I block all cookies?

You may experience difficulty using and lots of other websites if you block cookies. If you do want to block them from being downloaded to your computer you can find out how by visiting All About Cookies.