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Smarty UnlimitedUnltddataUnltdminutesUnltdtexts1month contractZeroupfront cost£16.00per monthGet DealSmarty
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5G SIM Only UnlimitedFree EU RoamingUnltddataUnltdminutesUnltdtexts12month contractZeroupfront cost£16.00per monthGet DealiD Mobile
Pay MonthlyUnltddataUnltdminutesUnltdtexts24month contractZeroupfront cost£17.50per monthGet DealTesco Mobile
Advanced SIM Only Unlimited DataUnltddataUnltdminutesUnltdtexts1month contractZeroupfront cost£24.00per monthGet DealThree
Advanced SIM Only Unlimited DataUnltddataUnltdminutesUnltdtexts12month contractZeroupfront cost£17.00per monthGet DealThree
Pay MonthlyUnltddataUnltdminutesUnltdtexts12month contractZeroupfront cost£30.00per monthGet DealTesco Mobile
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SIM OnlyO2 TravelUnltddataUnltdminutesUnltdtexts1month contractZeroupfront cost£36.00per monthGet DealO2
Pay Monthly Unlimited Lite + 4 Xtra BenefitsUnltddataUnltdminutesUnltdtexts12month contractZeroupfront cost£30.00per monthGet DealVodafone
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Why choose a SIM with unlimited data?

Here's the thing. Most of us spend most of our time within range of a wifi signal. In fact, I think many would be shocked just how little mobile data they use, so long as they have logged into wifi at home, work and at the houses of friends and family.

However, there are those who either have a job where they are out and about more than at home, or others with time to fill on a long commute. So, here are four reasons you might want to pick an unlimited data mobile SIM over any other type.

  • 5G – A 5G connection doesn’t necessarily require more data. After all, if you want to download an ebook, you will download the same MBs as on a 4G connection, but it will download more quickly. However, that isn’t the whole story. If you can download data more quickly then you may download larger files because of the shorter wait times And so may also download more. For example you might choose the 4k version of a movie instead of the 1080p one. In addition some streaming services may simply pipe the heftier 4K version to you automatically because it has detected you have the bandwidth available. So it is quite likely that having a 5G connection will cause you to eat data more quickly, which in turn makes an unlimited connection much more attractive.
  • You stream a lot – If you watch a lot of streamed video content on YouTube, Netflix or other, and you tend to do that while you're out and about, then there is potentially a need for either a very large data limit, or more economically, an unlimited data SIM-only plan
  • You download a lot of apps and games – Equally, apps and games can be pretty huge these days, so if you're a keen mobile gamer and like to try a lot of different apps and games each month, there's potentially an argument to choose an unlimited data SIM deal over any other type of plan
  • You just don't want to think about data – This one covers the people with jobs or commutes where they would like to use a lot of data on the move. But it is also the reason most of us here at Cable.co.uk have unlimited data SIMs in our phones: it's not that expensive and you can just forget about data limits altogether. At the time of writing, we've seen unlimited data SIMs for as little as £16 per month, and there are a lot of limited SIMs out there that cost more than that. Unlimited data is set to become the rule rather than the exception

Frequently asked questions

Can I get an a SIM with unlimited data?

Yes. A wide range of providers now offer SIMs with unlimited data, whereas a couple of years ago it was just one or two. For the full list of providers, see the section above this one.

Are unlimited SIMs more expensive?

Yes and no. They are generally the most expensive SIM from most providers. However, they are often cheaper than very-large-limit SIMs were just a year or two ago. So it's a matter of perspective.

What SIM card do I need?

It’ll be one of three sizes of SIM cards that you need – standard, micro or nano. Deals often come with a multi-SIM that includes all three and you simply pop out the one you need for your phone.

How much data do I need?

Probably less than you think. Though unlimited data SIMs are set to become the norm, most of us spend the majority of our time within range of a wifi signal. Ultimately, the only way to know is to check how much data you use from month to month.

I have 5G – do I need an unlimited data plan?

This changes from day to day, but it's easy to find out using the tools on this page. Simply select all providers and sort the deals by monthly cost. The cheapest deal will be the first listed.

Technically no, but it is probably wise to opt for unlimited data. If you have a 5G device and live somewhere you can use it, then you will most likely use a lot more data, since 4K streaming and larger data downloads become a more realistic proposition with 5G than they are on a 4G connection.