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goodybag 1GBFree EU Roaming1GBdataUnltdminutesUnltdtextsNo contractZeroupfront cost£6.00per monthGet Dealgiffgaff
golden goodybagFree EU Roaming15GBdataUnltdminutesUnltdtextsNo contractZeroupfront cost£10.00per monthGet Dealgiffgaff
golden goodybagFree EU RoamingUnltddataUnltdminutesUnltdtextsNo contractZeroupfront cost£35.00per monthGet Dealgiffgaff
goodybag 12GBFree EU Roaming12GBdataUnltdminutesUnltdtextsNo contractZeroupfront cost£10.00per monthGet Dealgiffgaff
golden goodybagFree EU Roaming100GBdataUnltdminutesUnltdtextsNo contractZeroupfront cost£20.00per monthGet Dealgiffgaff
goodybag 20GBFree EU Roaming20GBdataUnltdminutesUnltdtextsNo contractZeroupfront cost£12.00per monthGet Dealgiffgaff
goodybag 3GBFree EU Roaming3GBdataUnltdminutesUnltdtextsNo contractZeroupfront cost£8.00per monthGet Dealgiffgaff
golden goodybagFree EU Roaming30GBdataUnltdminutesUnltdtextsNo contractZeroupfront cost£15.00per monthGet Dealgiffgaff
goodybag 80GBFree EU Roaming80GBdataUnltdminutesUnltdtextsNo contractZeroupfront cost£20.00per monthGet Dealgiffgaff
goodybag 25GBFree EU Roaming25GBdataUnltdminutesUnltdtextsNo contractZeroupfront cost£15.00per monthGet Dealgiffgaff
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Why choose a giffgaff SIM only deal?

One-month contracts for all SIM-only deals

Rather than having a number of SIMs on different contract lengths, all giffgaff SIM-only deals, known as ‘goodybags’, are contract-free. This means you can leave whenever you like without incurring penalties for early contract termination. However, if you want to sign up for a ‘golden goodybag’, which gives you an extra GB after three renewals, you will have to set up a direct debit. If you want to cancel, you will need to give one month’s notice.

Unlimited data options

Giffgaff has two options when it comes to unlimited data. It has a fully unlimited data plan and also an Always On plan that costs a tenner less. The Always On plan only offers unlimited usage at full speed up to 80GB per month. After that the speed drops to 384Kbps from 8am to midnight, keeping you online, but at a minimal speed. The fully unlimited plan lets you browse online as much as you like, although if you go over 650GB twice in six months, giffgaff may investigate.

Unlimited texts and calls with all plans

All giffgaff SIM-only plans come with unlimited UK calls and texts so you can chat without restriction. Just bear in mind however that picture messages will be charged at an additional rate, so use a data-based app like Whatsapp if you want to send photos to your friends and family.

A community-based support network

Giffgaff’s online community is easily the most active of any UK mobile provider. Instead of offering the traditional customer support system (such as call centre help lines) giffgaff relies on its customers to help one another via its online forum. There are even incentives for customers to help one another out, with vouchers and other bonuses being offered to those who frequently take part in the community.

Good 4G coverage

Giffgaff uses O2 to carry its minutes, texts, and data. O2 claims to cover 99% of the country, but to check you’ll be covered, you can use the coverage checker hosted on giffgaff’s website.

Giffgaff SIMs are all 5G-ready

As long as you have a 5G-ready phone, you can benefit from 5G speeds with a giffgaff SIM-only deal, subject to being in a 5G area. Giffgaff uses O2’s network, and you can check whether 5G has got to your area yet by visiting the coverage checker on either O2’s or giffgaff’s website.

Why choose a SIM-only deal?

If you have reached the end of your phone contract and are happy to keep your handset, going SIM-only can be a great way to cut your monthly costs and do your bit for the environment as well. Plus, as all of giffgaff’s SIM-only deals are contract-free, you don’t need to commit to another long contract, so if you do decide to treat yourself to a new phone contract, you can easily cancel your SIM-only plan.