Broadband in Manchester

Compare the cheapest, fastest & best broadband packages, deals & offers in Manchester. Use our availability checker to find broadband in the Manchester area.

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We found 136 deals for
1 Fibre 55
Save £192
was £34.95
£18.95 per month
Save £192
Try for 14 days with no penalty for leaving. UK-based service & support.
  • 45Mb Average Speed
  • Unlimited Monthly downloads
  • £9.99 One-off Cost
  • 12 Month Contract
  • No phone line
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Save £192
was £34.95
£18.95 per month
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2 Superfast 2 Fibre Broadband Vodafone
£22.00 per month
Control your WiFi with the Vodafone Broadband app. Reduced prices and Amazon Tech Pack for existing mobile customers.
  • 67Mb Average Speed
  • Unlimited Monthly downloads
  • Zero One-off Cost
  • 24 Month Contract
  • Pay as you go calls
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£22.00 per month
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3 Super Fibre Broadband
NOW Broadband
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£22.00 per month
  • Super Fibre for Fab Fibre price
Includes Broadband Buddy parental controls.
  • 63Mb Average Speed
  • Unlimited Monthly downloads
  • £5.00 One-off Cost
  • 12 Month Contract
  • Pay as you go calls
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£22.00 per month
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4 Broadband Superfast
No set-up fee
£23.00 per month
No set-up fee
  • No set-up fees (save £19.95)
New customers only. Add Sky WiFi Guarantee. Includes Speed Guarantee. Prices may change.
  • 59Mb Average Speed
  • Unlimited Monthly downloads
  • Zero One-off Cost
  • 18 Month Contract
  • Pay as you go calls
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No set-up fee
£23.00 per month
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5 M100 Fibre Broadband
Virgin Media
£50 Bill Credit
was £44
£26.00 per month
£50 Bill Credit
  • Effective Cost Only £23.22pm
  • £0 Setup Fee
  • You Save £409
New customers only. Average upload speeds of 10Mbps. Virgin Media Hub 3.
  • 108Mb Average Speed
  • Unlimited Monthly downloads
  • Zero One-off Cost
  • 18 Month Contract
  • No phone line
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£50 Bill Credit
was £44
£26.00 per month
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6 TV + Broadband Ultrafast Plus + Netflix Sky
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Save £270
£26.00 £71.00 p/m after 6 mths
Save £270
  • Six months free broadband (then £45 pm)
Broadband speed guarantee. 100+ channels not on Freeview. 500+ Box Sets + Unlimited Netflix on any device. Up to £68.95 setup for existing customers.
  • 500Mb Average Speed
  • Unlimited Monthly downloads
  • £20.00 One-off Cost
  • 18 Month Contract
  • Pay as you go calls
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Save £270
£26.00 £71.00 p/m after 6 mths
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7 M500 Fibre Broadband
Virgin Media
£50 Bill Credit
was £62
£38.00 per month
£50 Bill Credit
  • Effective Cost Only £35.23pm
  • £0 Setup Fee
  • You Save £517
New customers only. UK's fastest widely available broadband. Virgin Media Hub 3. Perfect for multi-gaming. Average upload speeds of 36Mbps.
  • 516Mb Average Speed
  • Unlimited Monthly downloads
  • Zero One-off Cost
  • 18 Month Contract
  • No phone line
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£50 Bill Credit
was £62
£38.00 per month
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8 Fibre Max 500 Broadband EE
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£40.50 per month
50x faster than standard broadband. 20GB mobile data for EE pay monthly customers. Pay as you go calls.
  • 500Mb Average Speed
  • Unlimited Monthly downloads
  • £30.00 One-off Cost
  • 24 Month Contract
  • No phone line
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£40.50 per month
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9 Full Fibre 900
Shell Energy Broadband
£100 shop credit
£49.99 per month
£100 shop credit
  • £100 Shell Shop credit
No end of contract broadband price rises. No connection fee. Exclusive rewards on fuel.
  • 920Mb Average Speed
  • Unlimited Monthly downloads
  • £4.95 One-off Cost
  • 18 Month Contract
  • No phone line
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£100 shop credit
£49.99 per month
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10 Fast Broadband
Shell Energy Broadband
£17.99 per month
Line rental included. Pay as you go calls. Exclusive rewards on fuel.
  • 11Mb Average Speed
  • Unlimited Monthly downloads
  • £4.95 One-off Cost
  • 18 Month Contract
  • Pay as you go calls
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£17.99 per month
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Call us free to check availability on 0800 840 5395 may earn a commission when you purchase via links on our site. This does not increase the price you pay but helps us keep the site free. Broadband speeds are dependent on where you live and you may receive slower speeds than listed. Broadband is subject to availability – check with the provider. All our monthly costs are inclusive of line rental. Prices may change during this period unless otherwise stated. You should have the right to cancel without penalty if your provider increases charges during the minimum term of your contract. All prices are inclusive of VAT except business prices. Contract lengths may vary.

About broadband in Manchester

This trend-setting, cosmopolitan city has overcome industrial decline and wartime bombing to become the UK’s centre for service industries, with broadband in Manchester playing an integral part. Find out about the best deals, speeds and suppliers for broadband with our handy guide.

The city was at the heart of the Industrial Revolution, which brought the UK into the modern age. It is an epicentre for technology and innovation in the UK, which has put a high demand on fast and stable broadband connectivity, while business customers expect high-speed and reliable broadband to help maintain Manchester’s position as one of the fastest-growing cities in Europe.

Overcoming problems, past and present

Ian Brown, lead singer of local band The Stone Roses, once said that “Manchester’s got everything except a beach”. Despite that, the city has seen its share of hard times, including devastating attacks from the IRA in the 1990s. However, it’s emerged triumphant from its difficult economic past and is now a revived and culturally diverse city. Today, it continues to lead the way in many areas, particularly in encouraging new and developing technologies.

While the Museum of Science and Industry pays testament to Manchester’s past, the New Technology Institute represents Manchester’s technological future, with its £20 million state-of-the-art building. The Institute was built in response to the demand for specialised technology skills in the North West, and is partly responsible for the increased demand for fast and effective broadband in Manchester.

Broadband availability

With over 400,000 people living in the centre of Manchester and a total population of around 2 million, broadband is an essential part of keeping the city on its feet. The architecture alone demonstrates just how much Manchester’s infrastructure is changing, with new office developments such as the CIS Solar Tower and the Urbis springing up next to older buildings like the famous Manchester Town Hall. Manchester Airport adds to the vibrancy and the general busy feel of the city - in 2011, it was the third busiest airport in the UK.

Despite all this development, Manchester City Centre is not as well served by broadband as it could be. Major cable companies such as BT’s flagship fibre programme and other suppliers such as Virgin are all committed to delivering significant improvements on speeds and fibre optic delivery systems, so the city should see standards increase.

Surrounding areas are not faring much better at present; Salford and Eccles are poorly served. However, suburbs to the east of the City Centre are reporting the upper end of the average speed, with Failsworth, Clayton Vale and Droylsden allegedly receiving 11Mbps.

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