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How to compare dual fuel energy deals

By Phil Wilkinson-Jones | Thursday, September 9th 2021

There are a few unfamiliar terms you may come across when comparing energy deals. Dual fuel for example – what does that mean? Is it better or worse than the alternative and, importantly, am I going to save money by opting for a dual fuel tariff?

In this guide we’ll explain exactly what dual fuel means. We’ll also show you how to compare dual fuel tariffs and take a look at some of the suppliers you’re likely to encounter when comparing deals in the UK.

What is dual fuel?

Dual fuel energy simply means getting both your gas and electricity from the same energy supplier. A big benefit of this is that you get one bill, from one supplier, making it easy to see how much you’re spending on fuel and less hassle to deal with.

The other big benefit is that most energy suppliers offer a dual fuel discount if you take both gas and electricity from them. This doesn’t always mean that dual fuel energy is the cheapest way of getting your gas and electricity, but often it is.

How does dual fuel differ from other energy tariffs?

The only difference is that you get both your gas and electricity from one supplier and so just get the one bill. Remember when comparing energy deals that the actual gas and electricity that comes into your home remains the same no matter which supplier you are with.

How to compare dual fuel energy tariffs

As well as comparing dual fuel tariffs, it’s worth comparing individual gas tariffs and electricity tariffs. That’s because a dual fuel energy deal may not always be the cheapest option for you and there are still some companies offering good deals on single energy tariffs. Let’s take a look at some of the important things you should consider when comparing energy deals.


There’s no getting around it, this is the big one. As we’ve said, the actual gas and electricity that comes into your home doesn’t change when you switch supplier, so if you can get the same product for less money then you’re onto a winner.

Contract length

When weighing up your options, take a look at how long you are going to be locked into an energy contract. You may get a better deal by taking a longer contract, but this will make it difficult – or at least expensive – to switch if you find a better deal before the contract ends.

Exit fees

Some suppliers will charge you an exit fee should you wish to leave your contract early. It’s good to know how much this would be in advance.

Green energy

There are more and more suppliers using sustainable energy sources as consumers become more environmentally aware. Suppliers are increasingly open about what percentage of their gas and electricity comes from sustainable sources, so it’s easy to make an informed decision about how green you want your energy usage to be.

Compare today's best energy deals

Cable.co.uk currently recommends the following energy comparison sites.

How do you switch to a dual fuel tariff?

Whatever your preconceptions, switching energy tariffs is simple and uncomplicated. And switching to a dual fuel tariff is no more complicated than any other. If anything it’s even easier, because you’re only joining one supplier, not two, and so you’ll only have to go through the switching process once.

Start by clicking through to uSwitch, then enter your postcode at the top of the page. Have a recent energy bill to hand as you’ll be asked a few questions about your energy usage, enter a few details and you’ll be given a list of the best dual fuel deals available to you.

When you’ve decided on the best deal for you, you can apply to switch to the new supplier and the rest will be taken care of. As the actual gas and electricity supplies that come into your house won’t change, you won’t notice anything has changed until you get a bill from your new provider.

Which suppliers offer dual fuel energy?

A wide range of energy suppliers offer dual fuel tariffs, with many even offering a dual fuel discount for customers who take both gas and electricity from them.

Large energy suppliers

Previously known as the Big Six, there are in fact now only four or five suppliers that dominate the UK energy market due to various takeovers, so Ofgem no longer uses the term, referring to them instead simply as the large suppliersThese suppliers include British Gas, EDF Energy, E.ON, Scottish Power and Ovo. All of them offer both dual fuel tariffs as well as electricity on its own. British Gas is the biggest supplier and is also considered one of the greenest.

Smaller energy suppliers

There are many more energy suppliers beyond the big names. They often have a reputation for giving better customer service and each one generally aims to bring something new to the energy market. A few of the better-known smaller suppliers include Octopus Energy, Shell Energy and Utility Warehouse. Some even smaller suppliers, such as Bulb, Ecotricity, Green Energy UK and Good Energy, specialise in green energy tariffs, which guarantee that a certain percentage of the gas and electricity it buys comes from renewable sources.

Compare today's best energy deals

Cable.co.uk currently recommends the following energy comparison sites.

Frequently asked questions

Is dual fuel cheaper than buying gas and electricity separately?

It is often cheaper to get gas and electricity from the same supplier, but this is not always the case. Use a comparison site to see what options are available in your area and what will work out cheapest for you.

What is a dual fuel discount?

Some energy companies offer a discount to customers switching to a dual fuel (gas and electricity tariff). A number of companies have stopped offering dual fuel discounts in the past couple of years, claiming that they instead offer the lowest possible price to all of their customers.

Am I on a dual fuel tariff?

If you’re with the same energy supplier for both gas and electricity then you might be on a dual fuel tariff, but it’s also possible that you have two separate accounts with the same company. Check a recent bill and if you’re still not sure, give your energy supplier a ring.

Does British Gas do dual fuel?

Yes the UK’s largest energy supplier, British Gas, does offer dual fuel tariffs.

How can I save money on my energy bills?

Switching energy suppliers regularly can save you quite a bit on your energy bills. Use a comparison site to find the cheapest deal for you. There are also lots of things you can do around the home to reduce your energy usage and therefore save money – there are lots of handy tips in our guide to lowering your energy bills.

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